The seven feasts of
the Lord are all prophetic in nature. They all predicted various aspects of the redemption that would come through Jesus Christ.
They predicted specific events, often the day of the event (though not the year), and they predicted the order of the
events (Hebrews 10:1, Galatians 3:24).
The specific events predicted
by these feasts are as follows:
- The death of Jesus Christ (Passover)
- The fulfillment and putting away of the Law of Moses (Unleavened Bread)
- The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ (First Fruits)
- The time of Christ “In” You that began with the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit
- The resurrection from the dead and catching up of the living in Christ—the rapture (Trumpets)
- The Great Tribulation / The Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Day of Atonement)
- The first 1000 years of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ here on earth (Tabernacles)
Every Feast of the
Lord reveals some aspect of the mighty redemption of God through his resurrected son, and each reveals a specific prophetic
event (having to do with the redemption of our bodies, souls and this earth) that resulted from the finished work of Jesus’
death on the cross. That, alone, is what is meant by Revelation 19:10
which says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Each feast contains a clause
that no servile work can be done while it is being observed. Thus each feast represents the finished work of Christ
who brought grace (salvation without the works of the law) to us.
We are told in Hebrews chapter
10 that the things contained in the law were symbolic of good things to come (not just to the Jewish people—but
to all who come to God through his risen son). That is just one clear statement pertaining to the prophetic nature of the
This study of Biblical Prophecy
is approached from the perspective of the Feasts of the Lord found in the Law of Moses, but it needs to be clarified that
it is not approached from a uniquely Jewish perspective (i.e., that which evolved from the Jewish culture),
but rather from a strictly Biblical perspective.
The Jewish prophets and apostles
were chosen to be the oracles of God, but the Bible—the Written Word of God—was dictated to them by the one who
inhabits eternity. He who inhabits eternity is not bound by such limitations as earthly cultures, and the Word He dictated
transcends all cultures—including the Jewish culture through which it came.
Those who maintain that the
scriptures cannot be properly understood outside of Jewish culture and perspective do err—not knowing the scriptures
nor the power of God. These, having elevated the Jewish culture above the Holy Spirit of God, and the Written Word of God,
are guilty of idolatry—for it is the Holy Spirit who leads and guides into all truth—and the Jewish culture
is not the Holy Spirit.
Although we are commanded
to recognize the special place the Jewish people hold in the heart of God (and in his future plans for this earth)—we
are currently not to be looking to their culture for the things pertaining to LIFE and godliness. Those
things can only be acquired through the knowledge of God, and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, as revealed in his Written
Word (Isaiah 8:20, Psalms 138:2, John 17:17, Romans 10:17, 2 Peter 1:3).
Jesus told the religious
leaders of his day that if they did not know him—they certainly could not know his Father. The message is clear, if
God is not being worshipped through Jesus Christ, his risen Son, then it is another god—a false god—who
is being worshipped (no matter who is doing the worshipping), for no man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ—not
even a Jewish man (Galatians 1:6-9, 3:1-29).
Jesus called those who elevated
their own culture and traditions above the Written Word of God, “Blind leaders of the blind.” He called them beautifully
decorated tombs full of dead men’s bones.
We would do well to heed
the words of the angel to Peter and John as they ran into the tomb seeking Jesus …
Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead?
What Did Passover Predict?
The first Feast of the Lord
is Passover, which represented, and accurately predicted, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Not only was the Passover
feast accurate in symbolically depicting the manner of the death of our Lord, it also accurately foretold the day of
his death. Jesus died precisely on the day of Passover—the very feast that predicted his death.
- Jesus was a male without blemish (he was perfect/sinless). According to 2 Corinthians 5:21 and Exodus
12:5, the Passover lamb was to be a male without blemish.
- When was the Passover lamb to be killed? When was Jesus crucified? Compare Exodus 12:6 with John 19:14
- The entire assembly was to kill their lamb at the same time. At the trial of Jesus, they all
shouted, in unison, “Crucify him!” See Exodus 12:6
and Matthew 27:22 (22-25).
- The lamb was to be roasted whole—completely intact. Were any of Jesus’ bones broken
(Exodus 12:9, Psalm 34:20, John 19:33)?
- Was any portion of the Passover lamb allowed to remain until the next morning? Was Jesus’
body allowed to remain on the cross till the next morning (Exodus
12:10, Mark 15:42-43 [42-46])?
- In preparing the Passover lamb for roasting, two spits were used. One was thrust lengthwise through the
body for support over the fire, and the other across the shoulders for turning—symbolizing the cross on which the Lamb
of God was suspended.
- The people were to take the blood of the sacrificed lamb and apply it to the doorposts of their
homes. When God saw the blood, death would pass over that house (that is why this feast is called Passover). When we
apply the blood of Jesus Christ to our hearts, through faith, God sees the blood, and death passes over us as well
(Exodus 12:7,13, Colossians 1:14).
- John (the Baptizer)—who all the Jewish people accepted as a prophet—Identified Jesus
as God’s Passover lamb (John 1:29).
Because of the cleansing
blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Passover lamb, we are no longer separated from the presence of God—either
in this age or in the age to come.
If you have never applied
the blood of Jesus (the Messiah) to the door of your heart and would like to accept the only Christ as your savior, call on
God—right now. Don’t put it off another second. Ask God to forgive your sins and save you through faith
in the shed blood of his resurrected son (Romans 10:9-10, 13).
The feast of Passover accurately
predicted both the time (the day though not the year) and manner of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Likewise, each one of
the other feasts of the Lord represents a very real event that has either already taken place or will shortly take place.
The feast of Passover predicted
the literal death (by crucifixion) of Jesus Christ. Three more feasts have also seen their fulfillment. And three more predict
events that are… yet to come.