...praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all
perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18).
After we take up the armour--all of it--not just the pieces that come easy to us... we PRAY!
And not just for ourselves. If that is the case, we're in trouble. We are to make a regular habit,
a lifestyle, of watching out for each other and praying for others.
We are to be praying always--not just during our special, formal or corporate prayer
times (which we should do, but as Jesus said concerning another issue, "not to leave the other undone").
Those prayers sent up on the fly can be amazingly effective--as long as they are uttered from pure
hearts of faith.
We are commanded to pray "in the spirit."
There are times when we do not know how to pray, and the Holy Spirit takes over. Have you ever just
cried and cried while you were trying to pray, or couldn't find the words to say and moaned and groaned while crying
out to God in your heart--and thought you weren't getting much prayer done?
Oh yes you were! Because the Holy Spirit was praying through you for the person or situation--the
perfect will of God (Romans 8).
For those who pray in tongues. That is what Paul was referring to when he said, "I will
pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding."
When we pray in tongues, we are praying "with the Spirit" the perfect will of God.
But the scriptures are clear that not all speak with tongues (1 Corinthians 12:30), so all Christians
can pray "in the spirit" as is commanded in Ephesians 6:18. That is not a reference only to praying in tongues.
No one is left out or exempt simply because they do not possess a particular gift
of the Holy Spirit. We all possess different gifts. We cannot point fingers and say one is deficient because they do not possess
the gift we have.
Remember the widow woman who continually cried out to the unjust judge, who ignored her for a time,
but because she would not give up, she wore him down, and he granted her request.
Jesus said how much more will our Father in Heaven avenge his own elect, who cry out to him day
and night?
Are we crying out to God day and night? Are we praying without ceasing?
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man...
Avails MUCH