First Things First!
Read Your Bible A good place to start is the Book
of John. Commit to reading everyday - always picking up today where you left off yesterday.
Talk To The Lord Daily It doesn't matter if you pray silently or out loud. He
can hear you either way.
Meet Regularly with other Bible believing Christians
(Hebrews 10:25)
Be Baptized according to our Lord's command (Matthew
28:19, Acts 2:38)
Tell others, begin sharing your new faith
immediately (Mark 5:19-20)
It is important to understand that temptations come even when we belong to
Jesus Christ. Our choice is whether we will deal with the temptations our way or God's way.
2 Peter 1:4-11 instructs believers to add certain
things to their faith (request free book). If these things are added, we are assured that we will be fruitful in the knowledge
of God and will never fall. What a promise!