When Jesus walked
down the road, some saw a former carpenter, some saw a homeless man with a gaggle of followers stringing along behind him.
Some, like Andrew,
saw the Messiah, but when devils saw him--they would instantly cry out in fear.
What was it
they were seeing that produced such a reaction?
I believe they saw what Peter
and James only got a brief glimpse of, on the mount of transfiguration, before they also prostrated themselves in fear.
When devils
saw Jesus coming, they would cry out in fear, because they saw him as he was.
They would see
a brilliant light moving towards them,
and they knew
it was the
of Glory".
Have You Seen The
King of Glory?
The scriptures
say that we will see him as he is when he comes again, but must we wait for Jesus' appearing before we are permitted to see the "King of
I don't think
If we refuse to
let our vision be blinded by our sight... we can see the King of Glory now.
I caught my
second glimpse of the King of Glory on a Sunday morning, in 1981, when I was determined to reject him forever, and
his brilliance
drew a cry from me that reached to Heaven and changed the course of my life.
But did I see
the King of Glory standing at my front door a few months before that, when a woman named, Ruth Young, stood
there speaking the most mportant words anyone had ever been spoken to me in my life (since the day I first
gave my life to Jesus)?
No, I didn't...
But he was
How do I know
that? Because what she said to me, that day, had the most transforming effect on my life, of any words I have heard
either before or since.
I saw the King
of Glory when I moved into the home I am sitting in this morning writing this journal entry, but I missed his glory completely
when he moved us into the tiny place across the street a year ago (that we just moved out of).
I did not
see his glory then, when I broke down in sinful tears of dispair and discontent at the home I knew God had
placed me in.
It was unattractive
inside and quite shabby looking outside.
it was so tiny, it
was cramped if we had even two extra people inside besides ourselves--it was cramped even with just ourselves.
"You live
here?!" One woman blurted out before she caught herself.
It was leaky and
difficult to cool in the summer, and leaky and impossible to heat in the winter (even in Central Florida, we couldn't
warm the place up when the temperatures dropped).
Almost everyone who
came to visit us, while we lived there, had difficulty hiding their dismay at the place we called home.
We were continually
finding ourselves in the position of defending our choice of a home and reiterating to friends that we
were not budging until God said to--period.
We know now that
it was only because we obediently moved into that tiny, unattractive, run-down place (in
an otherwise beautiful setting on a lovely lake), that we are in the home that is so perfect for us today.
The King of Glory
knew what we needed, and he knew how he wanted to give it to us.
But I must confess,
I didn't catch so much as a glimpse of him that first day we pulled into the driveway
(of the shabbiest home in the park), and my stomach sank, because I knew this was the place our Lord and Master
wanted us to move into.
Have There Been
Times You Too,
Have Missed
the King of Glory?