The Resurrected Body

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Question: I believe we are resurrected with a new uncorruptable body.  One that is not flesh and blood, for the Bible tells us that flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (I Cor.15:50).

Answer:  Here are a few scriptures to consider when rightly dividing the word of God on this one:

Luke 24:36-40 When Jesus appeared in his resurrected body, everyone was alarmed because they thought they were seeing a spirit. Jesus' response to this was to assure them it was he "himself." He pointed out that a spirit wouldn't have flesh and bone, but he did...

Acts 2:30-32 This passage is very revealing as to the nature of Christ's resurrected body. It reveals that Christ's flesh saw no corruption. It reveals that genetically he died a descendant of David, and when he rose—he was still a genetic descendant of David. When he returns and sits on the throne of David—it will be as a genetic descent of David. Verse 30 is very specific on this—according to the flesh, he (God) would raise up Christ to sit on his (David's) throne.

2 John :7 This verse doesn't pull any punches about the fact that anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is returning in the flesh is a deceiver and an antichrist.

1 John 3:2 We have looked at what Jesus' resurrected body is like, now let's look at what the scriptures say about ours. This verse lays to rest any question about it. When we are raised in incorruptable bodies, our bodies will be exactly like Christ's—we shall be like him...

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Be careful what you eat...

               ... to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet

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