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Breaking The Stronghold of Rebellion CLICK HERE!!
The stronghold of rebellion is almost always a major player in any bondage of addiction.


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"Recover Me..."

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Are you trapped in an abusive relationship or plagued by addiction or some other behavior (or attitude) you just can't seem to overcome? There is hope in the Word of God. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! 

Recover Meâ

Scriptural Basis & 7 Steps 

7 steps to freedom are outlined in 2 Peter 1:4-11

We are promised, in that passage that if we add certain things to our faith, we will never fall.

The "Recover me..." Discipleship Program Booklet goes into the 7 steps in detail.

The "Add To Faith-Relief from the Days of Adversity" CD series goes into the 7 steps in even more detail.

In Ephesians 6:12 we are told that we have an enemy, and our enemy is not a physical one but rather spiritual. In this passage we are instructed how to withstand and overcome powerful spiritual enemies.

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 we are reminded that even though we walk in the flesh, our weapons are spiritual and very powerful.
In the "Spiritual Warfare and Recover me..." sections of our website (see navigation bar), we learn how to recognize enemy tactics and how to withstand them.

No promise is made that this will be easy.

It will take more than average commitment and effort, but the promise is made in Matthew 7:24-25 that if we become doers of the word and not hearers only, nothing that the enemy can bring against us can succeed in bringing about our ruin.


Principles For Complete Freedom
With God All Things Are Possible
. "You shall know the Truth and the truth will make you free." Since Jesus Christ claims to be the only way, the only truth and the only life, there can be no real freedom without belonging to him.

2. All addictive/compulsive behavior is sinful and must be confessed as such, and repented of, before complete freedom can be attained.  

3. Personal responsibility for all behavior (and the  consequences thereof) must be acknowledged. We alone will be held responsible before God for the choices we make, and we must accept that responsibilty and genuinely repent without excuses. No one and nothing, besides ourselves, can be blamed for our choices or behavior.

4. None of us are permitted by God to live a life free of accountability. We must become willing to be held accountable for our behavior--not only to God but to each other as well. We must become willing to walk in the light as he is in the light.

5. We must be willing to become not only hearers--but doers of the word.

If these pre-requisites are met, we are promised success as Christians

Be not faithless--but believing!


Be careful what you eat...

               ... to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet

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Permission is given to reproduce anything from this site, written by Jocelyn Andersen, for non-commercial use only. Articles and quotes must be published within the context in which they are written. All other uses must have written permission.